Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Anchor, the Sailor, and the Ship

"In the thunderous tempest called LIFE,

When only the dark rolling clouds are in sight...
When the sharp needles of raindrops pierces through my skin...
I feel no pain..
'Coz I know that you are My Anchor, Sailor and my Ship."

I am not a poet...nor I pretend to be one...It's just one from the list of random awakenings that oft awake me from my slumber...

Isn't it true that our Lord is our saviour in all these precarious and tricky situations that we are stuck in?
Lord, You are the anchor, that holds our family together when the storm strikes.
When the current challenges and tries to engulf us and set apart our family, you are the sailor who rows the boat to safety.
You are the Ship, the safe house of our family...

We praise you today and evermore....

God Bless.

1 comment:

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