Saturday, July 01, 2006

Rock of Ages.....

Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
let me hide myself in thee;
let the water and the blood,
from thy wounded side which flowed,
be of sin the double cure;
save from wrath and make me pure.

Not the labors of my hands
can fulfill thy law's commands;
could my zeal no respite know,
could my tears forever flow,
all for sin could not atone;
thou must save, and thou alone.

Nothing in my hand I bring,
simply to the cross I cling;
naked, come to thee for dress;
helpless, look to thee for grace;
foul, I to the fountain fly;
wash me, Savior, or I die.

While I draw this fleeting breath,
when mine eyes shall close in death,
when I soar to worlds unknown,
see thee on thy judgment throne,
Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
let me hide myself in thee.

Wonderful hymn. Isn’t it?

The story goes that the lyrics of this hymn were inspired when Augustus M. Toplady got shipwrecked and took shelter from the storm & the rage of the sea by hiding under a rocky over-hang. He wrote the lyrics of this hymn on a deck of playing cards that was with him .

Praise The Lord! Halleuyah!!! How wonderful are his blessings.

God has been there for me throughout my life…and whenever I am afraid of anything I come to your shelter.

Thanks you Lord for being my Rock.

And, I will evermore praise and glorify you.

1 comment:

Ritu said...

Hey Roshan...

Nice blog...I like ur latest entry. Hope u are doing good. I have been bloggin too..check it out sometime...
Keep bloggin...God bless!