Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sky full of Hope....

Beautiful photograph! Ain't it? I took this one when I was in Derbyshire.

My dear Blog,
I want to share something important with you today. A message that may help you overcome all the pressure that falls on you...
A message that may help you spring back to your usual happy self....
There are lot of times when we feel depraved of hope... we feel there is nothing we can do... just look at the sky for some time. (Well, at least that's what I do!) It fills my otherwise gloomy life with so much happiness that I cannot explain.
I have never seen God, and I can never visualize how he may look like... But, I can for sure see his creations... the sky... the stars.. the sun...
It gives me the strengh to fight and resist the demons that try to persecute me... the demons that terrify me... demons that drain me of happiness....
But, God rejuvenates me....And, I am filled with a sky full of hope

Stay happy!!
God Bless.

Your friend and composer,
The Lonely Traveller.

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