Victory at Last!!!

Today, I am reminded of a beautiful poem by Emily Dickinson named "Success".
I will just quote the first verse. If you are interested to read the complete poem please click here
Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.
You know; when you are a software engineer, and that too a passionate one, you tend to treat your project as your kid. And you would certainly want the best to happen to him/her. I have had the traumatizing experience of losing one of my kids, so this SUCCESS sure tasted much sweeter..
But as all roads to Success are, this one was not without it's fair share of fights and challenges!!
But we overcame them all!
CHEERS to all of us who made this happen!!
I am thankful that I was blessed with exceptionally brilliant colleagues who challenged and overcame all obstacles that came our way. Thank you friends!
And May GOD Bless Us All.
Your pal,
P.S> I thank you Lord for helping us overcome our challenges. Please keep your watch over us, your most humble sheeps.
That calls for a celebration.
congrats man, may bugs never enter your life to spoil this feeling of success :D
Awsome news!! Congratualtions!! so, you are happier now. :)
Thanks. ;-)
Meet up! We shall celebrate. Hum Tum aur Bagpiper.
Thanks LL. But before you wished, bugs already started creeping in ;(
And I am trying to do a "Hercules" against 'em all.
Ya, I was soooo happy when it went LIVE... But, now i am numb (not sad or unhappy... just numb) :0
Soooo many issues.
Please pray for us.
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