Monday, June 05, 2006

The Apple (Family) Tree....

Before narrating to you the story of an aquaintance of mine, I would like to tell you something about the stunning picture you see alongside.

That's the Apple tree from which Newton saw the apple falling. And the rest, as they say is history.
Well, you would probably think I am insane. How long can an apple tree survive?
As you would probably have guessed by now, this is a clone!!!

There are only two trees cloned from the original apple tree. One, is planted in front of Newton's room (the one you can see in the picture), and the other I don't remember where!!!

As promised earlier, I am going to tell you about a friend of mine Henry Apple. Henry is different from most of us. He was born in a test tube. I am not joking!!!

Twenty four years back, his parents decided to take this step coz, Mrs Cynthia Wallace Apple was medically declared unfit to have a baby. So Mr and Mrs Apple decided to try out this new technique .

Isn't this going against nature? Isn't this going against God? I don't know. Maybe I am not the right person to answer this.
But if Mr and Mrs Apple (and thousands of people like them) are justified to take this step, then why is there so much hue and cry about cloning?

Isn't cloning also a new science?

Well I am not supporting or justifying cloning or anything, but I really feel that people are very biased. Why is it that "X" is right and "Y" is not right? "Y" is just the next step of "X"...

Confused??? Even I am confused!!! So let's stop... Well I know it has been a pointless read, but don't worry. I will write something useful next time.



Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

Rosh said...

Thanks anon.
Do keep visiting.
