Phew! It's been over a month since my last post. Can you believe that?
So I guess it is time for updates. Here they are...
1> TLT's super parents have decided to get him hitched.
2> If this happens, and it might happen very soon, he is contemplating changing his nickname.
3> He thinks 'Mr. Traveller' would be cool!
4> Futher the blogname might change to Accounts of Mr. and Mrs. Traveller :-D
5> Work life is ok. Nothing too great!
6> He will hopefully will be back in India by August end.
That's all for now.
BTW, I forgot to mention that TLT had an splendid day today. He had this amazing 2 hr conversation with 'You know who' :-D. Later he spoke to couple of close buddies regarding the new happenings.
Then, in the evening, TLT visited the 'Lutheran Church of Hope' for worship in the evening.
It was a beautiful praise and worship service. Over 200 people sitting in front of the altar and singing praises to our loving Jesus was quite a sight.
During the course of announcements it was make public that the new worship arena will be completed rather soon and that it shall easily seat 2500 people.
Isn't that great?
Have a brilliant day friends!
And may God bless us all.